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First Loss Best Gain

socilamediajungleWith that Title you may think that I’m going to talk about financial loss? Well to those in the world with a “Bean Counter” mentality time is money so if you implement what I’m recommending? Yes my Blog today will cost you money, but the potential return is huge so maybe we can call it an Investment!

Keeping existing customers is far cheaper than finding new ones and testimonials are the most cost effective advertising you can get, and the best way I have found to get both of those actions happening? Do something for free.

Now at this point accountants reading this are heading for the hills and Investors and clambering at the door to get their money back but let me just say tell them to chill and pop a pill as the returns shall soon appear.

So what am I suggesting to do for no money? Give products away, work for free, clean your customer’s house, and wash their car? No, none of that, what I’m suggesting you give a way for free is “Service”

I’m not saying make your whole customer service or technical support a department of the Salvation Army! What I am suggesting is that on occasions maybe you should just give free advice, a smile and the big one..A Follow up.

Yes that’s the biggie folks, the game changer, “Follow-Up” is a concept that is normally used to close a deal, give a gentle nudge that your invoice has not been paid.  Implement a “We Care” Follow-Up System driven by phrases such as, “Is everything OK, Is it working Properly now” will get you more mileage, smiles and testimonials than any best price deal you can put together.

Now I’m not talking about the, “Was Everything ok, can you pay the check now” follow-up you get at the local diner, I’m talking about real genuine no reason but want to check your all ok now follow-up. Totally out of the blue phone call just to check on “The Customer”

When you do this? I can guarantee you a moment of silence and shock and awe will precede the, “Well thank you” statement. Now for the, “Doom and Gloomers” who think, “What if they are still not happy” Well that excites me as well as I get another chance and making them happy, another chance to spread good cheer, another chance at securing a happy customer and not another chance at making cold call!

So, yes you will spend time and that does cost money but in this case? That loss can be a huge gain.

Enjoy the day and remember to get Socially Mobile.